7 Prisoners


“7 Prisoners” is a Brazilian drama film directed by Alexandre Moratto that tells the harrowing story of 18-year-old Mateus, played by Christian Malheiros. The film begins in the Brazilian countryside, where Mateus lives with his mother and sisters in poverty. Desperate to improve their living conditions, he accepts a job offer from a recruiter named Gilson, who promises better opportunities in São Paulo.

Upon arriving in the city, Mateus and three other young men quickly discover that they have been deceived. Instead of a legitimate job, they find themselves trapped in a junkyard run by Luca (Rodrigo Santoro), who exploits them under conditions akin to modern slavery. Their identities are confiscated, and they are forced to work off an insurmountable debt for travel expenses and basic necessities.

As Mateus navigates this grim reality, he initially feels anger and desperation but soon realizes that survival requires negotiation and cunning. He becomes a reluctant leader among the captives and forms a complex relationship with Luca, who was also once enslaved himself. This dynamic leads to moral dilemmas as Mateus must choose between complicity with his captor for personal gain or solidarity with his fellow workers.

The film explores themes of exploitation, power dynamics, and the fragility of human dignity against the backdrop of economic disparity in Brazil. Ultimately, “7 Prisoners” serves as a poignant commentary on modern slavery and the difficult choices faced by those trapped within such systems.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question

Rotten Tomatoes
A well-known review aggregator that compiles movie reviews from critics and audiences alike, providing ratings based on overall reception.

Film Independent
An organization dedicated to supporting independent filmmakers; it provides insights into film production processes and interviews with filmmakers about their works.

The Hollywood Reporter
A leading entertainment industry publication that covers news related to films, television shows, and industry trends while offering critical reviews of new releases.

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