Before Sunrise


On June 16, 1994, Jesse (Ethan Hawke) meets Céline (Julie Delpy) on a train traveling from Budapest to Vienna. After striking up a conversation, Jesse convinces Céline to disembark with him in Vienna instead of continuing her journey back to Paris. They decide to spend the night together exploring the city before Jesse’s flight back to the United States the next morning.

As they wander through Vienna, they engage in deep conversations about love, life, and their personal experiences. Their chemistry grows as they share intimate moments, including a kiss atop the Wiener Riesenrad and playful interactions like staging fake phone calls in a café. Throughout the night, they reveal their vulnerabilities and past heartbreaks, creating a strong emotional bond.

Despite knowing their time together is limited, they savor each moment and discuss whether or not to have sex. Ultimately, they choose to embrace the connection they’ve formed without exchanging contact information. Instead, they agree to meet again at the same place in six months. The film ends with them parting ways at the train station as dawn breaks, leaving their future uncertain but filled with hope.

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