Kimi movie

Plot Summary
Kimi is a 2022 American thriller directed by Steven Soderbergh, featuring ZoĆ« Kravitz as Angela Childs, an agoraphobic tech worker in Seattle. The story unfolds during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting Angela’s struggles with anxiety and isolation. She works from home for a tech company called Amygdala, which has developed a smart speaker named Kimi that relies on human monitoring to improve its functionality.

One day, while reviewing audio streams from Kimi devices, Angela hears what she believes to be evidence of a violent crime—a sexual assault followed by a murder. The victim is identified as Samantha Gerrity, who was involved with Bradley Hasling, the CEO of Amygdala. Determined to report her findings, Angela faces bureaucratic resistance and skepticism from her superiors.

As she attempts to alert the authorities, she becomes the target of hired assassins sent by Hasling to silence her. Angela must confront her fears and venture out into the city to seek help. The film culminates in a tense showdown at her apartment where she uses ingenuity and resourcefulness to defend herself against her attackers.

In the end, Hasling is arrested for his crimes, and Angela begins to reclaim her life with newfound strength and resilience.

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