The Birthday Boy

The Birthday Boy is a Telugu film released on July 19, 2024, directed by Whisky Dasari. The story revolves around five childhood friends who move abroad to pursue higher education. During a birthday celebration for one of their friends, an unexpected incident occurs that dramatically alters the course of their lives.

Plot Summary
The narrative unfolds over a span of 48 hours, focusing on the intense emotional and psychological aftermath of the incident that disrupts their seemingly carefree lives. As the friends navigate the complexities of their relationships and confront the consequences of their actions, the film explores themes of friendship, responsibility, and personal growth. The story is inspired by real events that took place in 2016, reflecting on how a single moment can have profound effects on one’s life trajectory.

Ultimately, The Birthday Boy serves as both a slice-of-life buddy comedy and a serious commentary on the challenges faced by young adults as they transition into new phases of life while dealing with unforeseen circumstances.

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