

In “Minions: The Rise of Gru,” the story follows an eleven-year-old Gru who aspires to become a supervillain. Assisted by his loyal Minions, Gru receives an audition invitation from the Vicious 6, a supervillain team led by Belle Bottom. During the audition, things go awry, leading to Gru stealing the Zodiac Stone from the Vicious 6 and escaping with some of his Minions.

Back at his lair, Gru discovers that one of his Minions, Otto, has traded the valuable stone for a pet rock. This prompts Gru to fire the Minions but later gets kidnapped by Wild Knuckles, a member of the Vicious 6. The Minions embark on a mission to rescue Gru and retrieve the stone to save him from danger.

Throughout their adventure, they encounter Master Chow, who teaches the Minions Kung Fu to aid in their rescue mission. Otto also plays a crucial role in recovering the stone and assisting in saving Gru from peril. As the story unfolds, Gru forms an unexpected bond with Knuckles and learns more about the world of villainy.

The narrative culminates in daring heists, unexpected alliances, and thrilling escapades as Gru navigates his path towards becoming a formidable supervillain while facing challenges and adversaries along the way.

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