
In the film “Imaginary,” children’s book author Jessica is married to musician Max, who has two daughters from a previous marriage: younger daughter Alice and teenager Taylor. Jessica starts experiencing nightmares involving her mentally ill father Ben and a character from her books named Simon the spider. When the family moves into Jessica’s childhood home, Alice finds a teddy bear named Chauncey in the basement and forms a strong bond with it. An elderly neighbor, Gloria, who used to babysit Jessica, shares memories of Jessica’s past that she cannot recall.

As the story progresses, Chauncey begins to disturb Jessica, especially when Alice becomes fixated on a scavenger hunt supposedly given by the teddy bear. Things take a darker turn when Taylor invites a friend named Liam over, and Chauncey briefly transforms into a monstrous bear in front of him. This incident leads to tensions between Jessica and Taylor.

Jessica seeks help from child psychologist Dr. Soto after an alarming incident involving Alice and Chauncey. It is revealed that only Jessica and Alice can see the stuffed bear, raising concerns about its true nature. Gloria informs Taylor that Chauncey was also Jessica’s childhood imaginary friend and explains the sinister potential of such spirits if abandoned.

The narrative delves deeper into Jessica’s past as they embark on a scavenger hunt that ultimately opens a door to the Never Ever realm. In this realm, they confront repressed memories from Jessica’s childhood where she was lured by Chauncey but rescued by Ben at a cost. Chaos ensues as Gloria’s obsession with the realm leads to tragic consequences.

Jessica must face her past and confront Chauncey to protect her family from his vengeful intentions. The film culminates in a climactic showdown where secrets are revealed, sacrifices are made, and the family fights to escape the haunting influence of the Never Ever.

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