Rififi full movie online


“Rififi” is a 1955 French crime film directed by Jules Dassin, based on Auguste Le Breton’s novel. The film follows Tony “le Stéphanois,” an aging gangster who has just been released from prison after serving five years for a jewel heist. Struggling to adapt to life outside, Tony initially declines an invitation from his friends Jo and Mario to participate in a simple smash-and-grab robbery at a jewelry store.

Plot Development
After discovering that his former girlfriend Mado is now with a rival gangster named Pierre Grutter, Tony’s anger drives him to change his mind about the heist. He proposes a more ambitious plan: instead of robbing the store’s window, they will attempt to break into the safe. They enlist César, an expert safecracker, to assist them in executing this complex plan.

The group meticulously prepares for the heist, rehearsing their actions and devising strategies to bypass the store’s sophisticated alarm system. On the night of the burglary, they successfully infiltrate the jewelry shop by chiseling through the ceiling from an adjacent apartment. The heist unfolds in near silence for about half an hour, showcasing their careful execution without dialogue or music.

Consequences of the Heist
Despite their success in stealing valuable jewels, complications arise when César secretly takes a diamond ring as a gift for his mistress Viviane. This act leads to their downfall when Grutter discovers their involvement and seeks revenge. Tensions escalate as Grutter’s gang brutally murders Mario and his wife Ida after they refuse to reveal where the stolen jewels are hidden.

Tony learns of these events and goes on a quest for vengeance while also trying to rescue Jo’s kidnapped son Tonio, who has been taken hostage by Grutter’s gang as leverage against Tony. In a climactic confrontation, Tony manages to save Tonio but suffers fatal injuries during his battle with Grutter.

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