

“Diabolique” (originally titled “Les Diaboliques”) is a 1955 French psychological horror-thriller film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film is based on the novel “She Who Was No More” by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac.

Plot Summary
The story unfolds at a decrepit boarding school for boys run by the cruel headmaster Michel Delassalle, who mistreats both his wife, Christina, and his mistress, Nicole. Driven to desperation by Michel’s abusive behavior, the two women form an unlikely alliance fueled by their mutual hatred for him.

Nicole devises a plan to murder Michel, and after some initial hesitation, Christina agrees to assist her. They lure him to an apartment under the pretense of reconciliation, where they drug him and drown him in a bathtub. Following this grim act, they transport his body back to the school and dispose of it in a neglected swimming pool, hoping that it will appear as an accidental drowning when it eventually surfaces.

However, their plan goes awry when Michel’s body fails to float to the surface after the pool is drained. As they grapple with their guilt and fear of being discovered, strange occurrences begin to unfold around them. It becomes apparent that Michel may not be as dead as they thought; eerie evidence suggests he might be haunting the school.

The tension escalates until Christina discovers Michel’s corpse submerged in a bathtub filled with water. In a shocking twist, it is revealed that Michel has been orchestrating events from beyond the grave to frighten Christina into madness. The film concludes with Alfred Fichet, a retired detective involved in the investigation, uncovering the truth about their conspiracy.

“Diabolique” masterfully blends elements of thriller and horror while exploring themes of betrayal and revenge. Its iconic twist ending has left an indelible mark on cinema history.

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