Executive Order


Plot Summary
“Executive Order” is a dystopian drama set in a near-future Brazil where an authoritarian government enforces a controversial and oppressive policy. The narrative unfolds as the government issues an order mandating that all citizens of African descent must relocate to Africa. This draconian measure leads to widespread chaos, protests, and the emergence of an underground resistance movement. The film explores the personal and societal ramifications of this unjust decree, highlighting themes of racial inequality, human rights, and the struggle for justice.

The story follows various characters who are affected by this executive order, showcasing their fight against systemic oppression. As tensions rise, the film delves into the complexities of identity, belonging, and resilience in the face of adversity. It serves as a poignant commentary on real-world issues surrounding race and governance.

Through its gripping narrative and powerful performances, “Executive Order” invites viewers to reflect on deep-rooted prejudices in society while inspiring hope for change through collective action.

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