

Overview of the Film’s Premise
The paranormal movie set for release in 2024 revolves around a group of friends who decide to explore an abandoned asylum rumored to be haunted. The story begins with the friends, seeking thrills and adventure, entering the asylum, which has a dark history of mysterious disappearances and tragic events.

Inciting Incident
As they delve deeper into the building, they begin to experience strange occurrences: flickering lights, disembodied voices, and unsettling visions. One member of the group discovers an old journal belonging to a former patient that hints at a malevolent spirit residing within the asylum. This discovery heightens their sense of dread and curiosity.

Rising Tension
The friends attempt to document their experiences using cameras and audio equipment, hoping to capture evidence of the supernatural. However, as night falls, they become increasingly isolated from one another due to inexplicable phenomena that seem to target each individual. Paranoia sets in as they question whether they can trust each other or if something sinister is manipulating their minds.

The climax occurs when one friend goes missing after venturing into a forbidden area of the asylum. The remaining friends must confront their fears and work together to uncover the truth behind the haunting while battling against time and the malevolent force that seeks to claim them.

In a tense finale, they discover that the spirit is tied to a tragic event from decades ago involving mistreatment of patients. They must perform a ritual to free the spirit and escape before it consumes them all. The film concludes with an ambiguous ending that leaves viewers questioning whether they truly escaped or if the haunting will continue.

This film aims to blend psychological horror with traditional paranormal elements, creating an atmosphere of suspense and fear throughout its runtime.

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