

In Windfall, a crime thriller directed by Charlie McDowell, the story unfolds when a wealthy CEO (played by Jesse Plemons) and his wife (Lily Collins) arrive unexpectedly at their vacation home, only to find it occupied by a burglar known as “Nobody” (Jason Segel). The intruder initially attempts to negotiate with the couple for money, leading to a tense hostage situation. As the night progresses, underlying tensions in the couple’s strained relationship become apparent, revealing their dissatisfaction with their lives and marriage.

The burglar demands $500,000 in cash, which the CEO agrees to provide after consulting his assistant. However, things take a dark turn when a gardener inadvertently enters the scene, leading to chaos that results in his accidental death. In a shocking climax, the wife ultimately turns on both men: she kills the burglar and then shoots her husband before framing the burglar for his own murder. The film explores themes of class disparity, personal dissatisfaction, and moral ambiguity within its minimalistic setting.

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