
Tótem is a poignant drama directed by Lila Avilés that revolves around a day in the life of a family preparing for a birthday party. The central figure is Sol, a 7-year-old girl, whose father, Tona, is terminally ill with cancer. As the family gathers to celebrate what may be Tona’s last birthday, the film explores themes of grief, love, and the complexities of familial relationships.

Plot Summary
The story begins with Sol and her mother, Lucia, engaging in a playful superstition while driving to Tona’s house. Upon arrival, Sol finds herself amidst the bustling preparations for the party. The atmosphere is charged with both excitement and underlying tension as family members navigate their emotions regarding Tona’s deteriorating health.

Throughout the day, Sol wanders through the house, observing her relatives—her aunts Nuri and Alejandra, her grandfather Roberto (who communicates via an electronic voice box), and other family members—all of whom are trying to maintain a facade of normalcy while grappling with their fears about Tona’s impending death. The film captures various moments of familial interaction: laughter mixed with bickering, moments of solitude contrasted against chaotic party preparations.

As the party unfolds, Sol remains largely shielded from the harsh realities of her father’s condition. She engages in innocent activities like collecting snails and asking questions about life and death through her smartphone. The narrative builds towards an emotional climax when Sol finally sees her father during the celebration. This moment is tender yet fleeting, emphasizing both love and loss.

The film culminates in a bittersweet celebration that serves as both a farewell and a reminder of life’s fragility. Through its intimate portrayal of everyday life and complex emotions surrounding illness and family dynamics, Tótem offers viewers a profound reflection on grief and connection.

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