

The Last Signals” is a short film that dramatizes the harrowing experience of Harold Bride and Jack Phillips, the junior and senior wireless operators aboard the RMS Titanic during its ill-fated maiden voyage in April 1912. The narrative focuses on their critical role in sending distress signals after the ship struck an iceberg.

The film opens with Bride and Phillips working diligently in the wireless room, sending personal messages for passengers while receiving iceberg warnings from other ships. As tension builds, they receive the alarming news that Titanic has collided with an iceberg. Captain Edward Smith instructs them to send out a distress signal, leading to a pivotal moment where Bride humorously suggests using the new SOS code instead of the traditional CQD.

As chaos ensues on board, Bride and Phillips remain committed to their duties despite the flooding of the ship. The film captures their bravery as they continue to send distress signals until power is nearly lost. When water begins to inundate their workspace, Bride helps Phillips fend off a crew member attempting to steal his lifebelt.

Ultimately, Bride finds himself washed overboard but manages to cling to an overturned lifeboat, Collapsible B. The film poignantly depicts his struggle for survival amidst despair and loss, highlighting his memories of Phillips’ dedication until the very end. After being rescued by RMS Carpathia, Bride assists in transmitting survivor lists and personal messages from those saved.

The story concludes with reflections on Bride’s life after Titanic, emphasizing his reluctance to discuss the tragedy and his lasting bond with Phillips’ memory.

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