The Princess Bride


Plot Summary
In The Princess Bride, a grandfather reads a story to his sick grandson, which unfolds in the fictional kingdom of Florin. The tale centers around Buttercup, a beautiful farm girl who falls in love with her farmhand, Westley, who always responds to her requests with “As you wish.” Westley leaves to seek his fortune but is presumed dead after being attacked by the notorious Dread Pirate Roberts.

Five years later, Buttercup is forced to marry Prince Humperdinck. Before the wedding, she is kidnapped by three outlaws: the cunning Sicilian Vizzini, the giant Fezzik, and the skilled swordsman Inigo Montoya, who seeks revenge against Count Rugen, the six-fingered man who killed his father. They are pursued by a mysterious masked man in black.

The man in black defeats Vizzini and captures Buttercup. When she discovers he is Westley, they are joyfully reunited. However, they are soon captured by Prince Humperdinck and taken to his castle. Buttercup agrees to return with Humperdinck under the condition that he releases Westley, but he secretly plans to kill her and frame Guilder for it.

With help from Inigo and Fezzik, who rescue Westley from torture, they storm the castle just as Humperdinck’s wedding ceremony begins. Inigo confronts and kills Rugen, avenging his father’s death. Westley reassures Buttercup that their marriage is invalid because she never completed her vows.

In a final confrontation, Westley intimidates Humperdinck into surrendering. The group escapes on horseback as dawn breaks over Florin, leaving behind their troubles. The story concludes with the grandson eagerly asking his grandfather to read it again.

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