Three Thousand Years of Longing


“Three Thousand Years of Longing,” directed by George Miller, follows the story of Alithea Binnie, a reclusive narratologist played by Tilda Swinton. During a business trip to Istanbul, she discovers an antique glass bottle that inadvertently releases a djinn, portrayed by Idris Elba.

Plot Summary
Upon being freed, the djinn offers Alithea three wishes in exchange for his freedom. However, as a scholar well-versed in narratives and their often cautionary tales, Alithea is hesitant to make any wishes. Instead, she engages the djinn in conversation, prompting him to share stories from his long existence.

The djinn recounts his past experiences across different eras, including his entrapment by King Solomon and his interactions with various women throughout history who wished for love and knowledge but faced dire consequences. These stories reveal themes of desire, freedom, and the complexities of human relationships.

As their connection deepens through storytelling, Alithea grapples with her own desires and fears. Ultimately, she realizes that wishing for love can lead to unforeseen complications. In a poignant conclusion, she makes her final wish not for herself but for the djinn’s freedom, allowing him to return to his realm while acknowledging the genuine bond they formed during their time together.

“Three Thousand Years of Longing” is a visually stunning exploration of storytelling and human connection that intertwines fantasy with profound emotional depth.

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