

The movie “Shahmaran” is inspired by the rich Turkish legend of the same name, which revolves around a mythical creature that is half-woman and half-snake. The story follows Camsap, a young man who accidentally discovers an underground garden inhabited by Shahmaran, the Queen of Snakes. Enchanted by her beauty and wisdom, Camsap and Shahmaran fall in love and share a deep bond.

However, their happiness is short-lived when Camsap longs to return to his homeland. He promises Shahmaran that he will keep her existence a secret. Years later, when the king of Camsap’s city falls ill, his advisors suggest that only Shahmaran’s flesh can cure him. Under pressure from soldiers who discover scales on his skin, Camsap reveals Shahmaran’s location.

In a tragic turn of events, Shahmaran willingly sacrifices herself for Camsap. She instructs them that eating her tail will grant wisdom while consuming her head will lead to death. The greedy king and his assistant eat her head and perish, while Camsap eats her tail and gains wisdom but lives with the guilt of betraying his beloved.

The film explores themes of love, betrayal, and the connection between humanity and nature through this poignant tale.

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