
Plot Overview
“Thappad” is a 2020 Indian Hindi-language drama film that revolves around the life of Amrita Sandhu, a devoted homemaker played by Taapsee Pannu. The story begins with Amrita and her husband Vikram Sabharwal, who seem to be happily married. However, during a celebration for Vikram’s promotion, an unexpected incident occurs that changes everything. When Vikram learns that his promotion has been compromised due to office politics, he becomes enraged and gets into an argument with his superior. In a moment of anger, he slaps Amrita in front of their guests.

This shocking act serves as a catalyst for Amrita’s transformation. The slap leaves her shaken and forces her to confront the underlying issues in her marriage that she had previously ignored. Despite societal pressures to “move on,” Amrita realizes that respect is fundamental in any relationship and decides to take a stand against domestic violence. She leaves Vikram and files for divorce, which surprises both her family and friends.

As the story unfolds, complications arise when Amrita discovers she is pregnant. Vikram attempts to manipulate the situation by making false claims against her in order to gain custody of their unborn child. Hurt but resolute, Amrita insists on filing a domestic violence charge unless they agree on joint custody as part of their divorce settlement.

The film explores themes of patriarchy, societal norms regarding marriage, and the struggles women face when asserting their rights. Throughout the narrative, Amrita engages with various characters who reflect different perspectives on gender roles and domestic violence. Ultimately, the film culminates in a courtroom scene where Vikram apologizes for his actions after realizing the gravity of what he has done.

In the end, while Vikram settles for divorce and expresses regret over his behavior, Amrita emerges as a stronger individual who understands her worth and refuses to accept anything less than respect in her relationships.

“Thappad” is not just about one woman’s fight against domestic violence; it serves as a broader commentary on societal attitudes towards women’s rights and empowerment.

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