
“Shoplifters” is a 2018 Japanese drama film directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda that explores the concept of family through the lens of a group of individuals living on the fringes of society in Tokyo. The film follows a makeshift family that survives through petty theft and shoplifting, revealing their complex relationships and moral dilemmas.

Plot Summary
The story begins with Osamu and his young son Shota, who regularly engage in shoplifting to make ends meet. They have developed a system of hand signals to communicate during their thefts. One cold night, they come across a young girl named Yuri, who is locked out on her apartment balcony. Feeling sympathy for her, they take her home with them. Initially intending to only provide shelter for the night, they discover evidence of abuse in Yuri’s life and decide to keep her, renaming her Lin.

As Lin integrates into their unconventional family, she learns the art of shoplifting from Osamu and Shota. The family’s dynamics begin to shift as they face increasing scrutiny from authorities regarding Yuri’s disappearance. Tensions rise when Hatsue, the elderly matriarch supporting the family with her pension, dies unexpectedly. To avoid complications, Osamu and Nobuyo (Osamu’s partner) bury Hatsue’s body under their house.

As events unfold, Shota grapples with feelings of guilt over their lifestyle and ultimately gets caught while trying to protect Lin during a theft attempt. This leads to police involvement and exposes the family’s secrets: Nobuyo takes the blame for various crimes to protect Osamu from being imprisoned due to his criminal record.

In the end, Shota is placed in an orphanage while Osamu visits Nobuyo in prison. The film concludes with Shota acknowledging Osamu as his father one last time before he leaves for good, while Lin is returned to her neglectful parents.

“Shoplifters” poignantly examines themes of love, loyalty, and what constitutes a family against the backdrop of poverty and societal neglect.

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