

In the 2023 horror-thriller film “Oracle,” directed by Daniel Di Grado, the story revolves around Shay, a young black woman and college student majoring in African-American History with a focus on the Civil War. Struggling financially, she receives a job offer from Kate, a woman who has returned to her family’s old plantation home to care for her dying mother. Despite her initial reluctance, Shay accepts the job after Kate offers her $500 for one night of babysitting.

Upon arriving at the house, Shay encounters strange occurrences involving Kate’s children—Andrew, Chase, and Blair. The children exhibit unsettling behavior that hints at deeper issues tied to the house’s dark history. As Shay investigates further, she discovers that the house is haunted by ghosts of slaves and experiences terrifying visions linked to a red glass doorknob that appears in her dreams.

As the night progresses, Shay finds herself trapped in a supernatural loop where she must confront the malevolent spirit of a widow who once lived there and learn about the tragic past involving slavery and betrayal. The narrative escalates as Shay fights for her life against these ghostly forces while trying to protect the children. Ultimately, she learns that Blair is actually the widow’s daughter and must navigate this complex web of history to escape.

The film culminates with Shay managing to break free from the house’s grip while witnessing a poignant reunion between spirits of those affected by its dark past.

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