Andrei Rublev


The film opens with a man named Yefim attempting to fly in a hot air balloon. Despite initial success, he crashes after being thwarted by a hostile crowd, symbolizing the struggles of creative individuals against societal constraints.

I. The Jester (Summer 1400)
Andrei Rublev, along with fellow monks Daniil and Kirill, seeks work as icon painters. They take shelter from a storm in a barn where a jester entertains villagers. The jester is arrested by soldiers, highlighting the brutal reality of their world.

II. Theophanes the Greek (Summer–Winter–Spring–Summer 1405–1406)
Kirill meets the renowned painter Theophanes, who invites him to work on an important project. However, Theophanes ultimately chooses Andrei instead, leading to Kirill’s jealousy and departure from the monastery.

III. The Passion (1406)
On their way to Moscow, Andrei and his apprentice Foma discuss art and faith. They witness a reenactment of Christ’s crucifixion, prompting Andrei to reflect on the nature of suffering and redemption.

IV. The Holiday (1408)
While camping by a river, Andrei encounters pagan rituals and is captured but later freed by Marfa, a pagan woman. This experience deepens his internal conflict regarding faith and artistic expression.

V. The Last Judgment (Summer 1408)
Andrei struggles to complete a church mural due to self-doubt and despair over humanity’s cruelty. After hearing about the brutal treatment of artisans, he finds inspiration in Durochka, a holy fool, deciding to paint something joyful instead.

VI. The Raid (Autumn 1408)
The Grand Duke’s brother allies with Tatars to raid Vladimir. In the chaos, Foma is killed, and Andrei kills a soldier to save Durochka during the massacre that ensues in the church where his paintings are displayed.

VII. Silence (Winter 1412)
Now silent and disillusioned after witnessing violence and suffering, Andrei retreats into solitude at the monastery while famine ravages Russia.

VIII. The Bell (Spring 1423–Spring 1424)
Years later, young Boriska attempts to cast a bell for the Grand Duke while grappling with self-doubt. After successfully ringing it amidst celebration, Andrei breaks his silence and decides to return to painting icons alongside Boriska.

The film concludes with vibrant images of Rublev’s actual icons in color, contrasting with the black-and-white narrative of his life filled with struggle and artistic growth.

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