

In Leviathan, directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev, the story unfolds in a small coastal town in northern Russia, where Kolya, a car mechanic, faces the corrupt mayor Vadim who seeks to seize his valuable seaside property. Despite Kolya’s attempts to fight back with the help of his old army friend Dmitry, a slick lawyer from Moscow, their efforts are thwarted by the pervasive corruption and intimidation of local authorities.

As the narrative progresses, Kolya’s personal life becomes increasingly complicated. His wife Lilya engages in an affair with Dmitry, leading to emotional turmoil within the family. The situation escalates when Kolya is arrested after confronting the mayor and subsequently finds himself embroiled in a tragic series of events that culminate in Lilya’s mysterious death.

The film explores themes of powerlessness against bureaucratic oppression and moral decay within society. Ultimately, Kolya is wrongfully convicted for his wife’s murder, leaving him isolated and defeated as he grapples with existential despair amidst a backdrop of political corruption and societal decay.

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