Little Wing

The movie “Little Wing” follows a 13-year-old girl named Kaitlyn McKay who is dealing with her parents’ divorce and the potential loss of their home. After receiving racing pigeons as a gift, Kaitlyn gets involved in the world of pigeon racing, aiming to win a valuable bird to help her mother with the mortgage.

Main Characters:

  • Kaitlyn McKay (Brooklynn Prince): The protagonist, a moody 13-year-old girl navigating her parents’ divorce.
  • Maddie McKay (Kelly Reilly): Kaitlyn’s mother, a police detective struggling to make ends meet.
  • Jaan Vari (Brian Cox): The owner of the valuable racing pigeon that Kaitlyn aims to steal.

Plot Summary:

Kaitlyn, amidst her family turmoil, discovers the world of pigeon racing through a gift of racing pigeons. With the hope of winning a valuable bird named “The Guardian” to cover their mortgage, she embarks on a journey that involves friendship, betrayal, and unexpected twists.


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