Pignorant movie


In “Pignorant,” director and activist Joey Carbstrong leads an undercover investigation into the UK’s pork industry, focusing on the abuse and corruption within. The film follows Joey, a former gang member turned animal activist, as he delves into the hidden realities of pig farming in the UK. The central mission of the documentary is to expose the use of CO2 gas chambers in the pork industry, shedding light on the harsh conditions faced by farmed pigs.

Joey Carbstrong and his team of activists go undercover to reveal the dark truths behind the seemingly high animal welfare standards in the UK. Through a three-year-long investigation, viewers are taken on a journey to witness firsthand the harsh realities of pig farming and the mistreatment of these animals. The narrative revolves around a risky mission to uncover the use of CO2 gas chambers, a long-running secret within the global pork industry.

The film aims to challenge viewers’ perceptions and raise awareness about the ethical implications of consuming pork products. By showcasing the brutal practices involved in pig farming, “Pignorant” prompts audiences to reconsider their relationship with food and animals.

Overall, “Pignorant” serves as a compelling exposé on the hidden cruelties of industrial pig farming, highlighting the need for greater transparency and ethical considerations in food production.

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