Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, the story unfolds three years after Kong’s victory over Mechagodzilla. Kong establishes his territory in the Hollow Earth and seeks out more of his kind, while Godzilla maintains order on Earth’s surface. A mysterious signal triggers events that lead to Kong discovering a tribe of his species in an uncharted realm, encountering a juvenile named Suko and facing off against the tyrannical Skar King and the ice-powered Titan, Shimo.

Meanwhile, on the surface, Godzilla responds to the signal by absorbing radiation from a nuclear plant in France and confronting the Titan Tiamat in the Arctic. Monarch believes Godzilla is preparing for an impending threat. As humans investigate the signal alongside Kong, they uncover ancient prophecies and awaken Mothra to aid in the battle against Skar King and Shimo.

The film culminates in a showdown between Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, Skar King, and Shimo in the Hollow Earth as they clash to protect or conquer Earth.

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