

In the movie “Cabrini,” the story follows the life of Catholic missionary Francesca Cabrini, portrayed by Cristiana Dell’Anna. Set in 1889 New York City, the film depicts the challenges faced by Mother Cabrini as she encounters resistance to her charitable and business endeavors. The plot revolves around her efforts to help poor Italian immigrants in the city, despite facing sexism and anti-Italian bigotry.

Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, a nun with lung disease, embarks on a mission to establish her own missionary order. After facing rejection from a cardinal, she persists and eventually meets with Pope Leo XIII. The Pope encourages her to go to New York City instead of China to carry out her mission.

Upon arriving in New York with her fellow Sisters, Mother Cabrini works tirelessly to care for the impoverished Italian community. Despite initial obstacles from Archbishop Corrigan, she manages to set up charity and hospital services for those in need. The film portrays her dedication to helping children and her interactions with various characters in the city, including a sympathetic prostitute named Vittoria and troubled boys Paolo and Enzo.

As Mother Cabrini faces challenges such as deteriorating health and opposition from the mayor who is hostile towards Italians, she remains steadfast in her mission. The movie showcases her perseverance, compassion, and determination in the face of adversity.

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