

In Wolfwalkers, set in 1650 Ireland, the story follows a young girl named Robyn Goodfellowe, who arrives in Kilkenny with her father, Bill, an English hunter tasked by the authoritarian Lord Protector to exterminate the last remaining wolves in the surrounding woods. As Robyn explores the forbidden forest, she encounters a wild girl named Mebh, who reveals that she is a Wolfwalker—a mystical being whose spirit transforms into a wolf while she sleeps.

After being bitten by Mebh, Robyn discovers that she too can become a Wolfwalker. This transformation allows her to see the world from a new perspective, experiencing life as both a hunter and prey. As Robyn learns about the bond between Mebh and her missing mother, Moll, who is also a Wolfwalker, she becomes embroiled in the conflict between the townspeople and the wolves.

The Lord Protector’s oppressive regime threatens to destroy the forest and its inhabitants. In a climactic battle, Robyn must choose between loyalty to her father and protecting her new friends. Ultimately, she helps rescue Moll and confronts the Lord Protector, leading to his downfall. The film concludes with Robyn and Bill embracing their identities as Wolfwalkers and joining Mebh and her pack in search of a new home.

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