Time movie

Time is a poignant documentary directed by Garrett Bradley that chronicles the life of Fox Rich, a woman whose husband, Rob Richardson, was sentenced to 60 years in prison for armed robbery. The film spans over two decades, showcasing the emotional and psychological toll of incarceration on their family, particularly focusing on their six sons who grow up without their father.

The narrative unfolds through a combination of present-day footage and home videos recorded by Fox during Rob’s imprisonment. These videos capture significant moments in the boys’ lives, illustrating their growth and the impact of their father’s absence. Throughout the film, Fox emerges as a determined advocate for criminal justice reform, tirelessly fighting for her husband’s release while raising their children alone.

The documentary highlights themes of love, resilience, and systemic injustice within the American prison system. It challenges viewers to reconsider the implications of long-term incarceration not only on individuals but also on families and communities. Ultimately, Time serves as both a personal story of struggle and a broader commentary on the flaws within the justice system.

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