The Worst Person in the World


Plot Overview
The Worst Person in the World follows Julie, a young woman navigating her late twenties in Oslo as she grapples with her identity, career choices, and romantic relationships. The film is structured into twelve chapters, plus a prologue and an epilogue, highlighting key moments in Julie’s life.

Character Journey
Initially studying medicine, Julie shifts to psychology and then photography, reflecting her indecisiveness. She enters a relationship with Aksel, a comic artist 15 years her senior. As their relationship deepens, Aksel expresses a desire to start a family, but Julie feels unready for such commitments.

During a chance encounter at a wedding reception, Julie meets Eivind, a barista. Their connection leads to an emotional affair that complicates her life further. After breaking up with Aksel due to his age and differing life goals, Julie begins dating Eivind.

Conflict and Resolution
As the story unfolds, Julie faces significant challenges: she discovers she is pregnant but experiences a miscarriage shortly after visiting Aksel in the hospital where he is battling cancer. This event forces her to confront her feelings about motherhood and her relationships.

In the end, Julie finds herself working as an on-set photographer while reflecting on her past choices and relationships. The film concludes with her contemplating what it means to truly live authentically amidst societal expectations.

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