Past lives


Past Lives is a poignant exploration of love, identity, and the connections that transcend time and distance. The film begins with childhood friends Nora (Greta Lee) and Hae Sung (Teo Yoo) growing up in South Korea, where they share a deep bond filled with innocent affection. However, their lives take a turn when Nora’s family relocates to Canada, separating them.

Fast forward 12 years, Nora has become a successful playwright living in New York City. After reconnecting with Hae Sung through social media, they rekindle their friendship over Skype but ultimately decide to cut ties as Nora seeks to fully embrace her new life. Another 12 years pass, and Hae Sung visits New York, prompting a reunion that stirs unresolved feelings between them.

As Nora navigates her marriage to Arthur (John Magaro), she grapples with the emotional complexities of her past relationship with Hae Sung. The film delves into themes of fate and the Korean concept of inyeon, which suggests that people are destined to meet across lifetimes. Ultimately, Past Lives examines the “what ifs” of life choices and the enduring impact of first loves on personal identity.

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