

Onward is a 2020 animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, set in a suburban fantasy world where magic has faded into obscurity. The story follows two elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, who embark on a quest to temporarily resurrect their deceased father for one day.

Plot Summary
The film begins with Ian Lightfoot, a shy teenage elf who struggles with self-confidence, and his older brother Barley, an enthusiastic role-playing gamer. Their father, Wilden, died shortly before Ian was born. On Ian’s sixteenth birthday, their mother Laurel gifts them a magical staff and a Phoenix gem along with a letter from their father that describes a spell to bring him back for 24 hours.

When they attempt the spell, it goes awry, resulting in only the lower half of Wilden’s body being reformed. Determined to see their father fully restored, the brothers set off on an adventure to find another gem to complete the spell before sunset. Their journey takes them through various challenges including encounters with police officers and magical creatures.

Along the way, they visit Manticore’s Tavern where they meet Corey, the Manticore who helps them realize their potential. As they navigate traps and obstacles in search of the gem, tensions rise between the brothers as they confront their feelings about their father’s absence.

Ultimately, after facing a curse that threatens them during their quest, Ian learns to appreciate Barley’s role as a father figure in his life. They successfully cast the spell just in time for Ian to have a heartfelt moment with their father before he dissipates again. The film concludes with Ian gaining confidence and embracing his newfound abilities as he and Barley prepare for future adventures together.

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