My Old Classmate


“My Old Classmate” is a Chinese romantic drama film directed by Frant Gwo, released in 2014. The story spans two decades, focusing on the relationship between Lin Yi and Zhou Xiaozhi, who are deskmates from their school days.

Plot Summary
The narrative begins in 1993 when timid Zhou Xiaozhi meets the troublemaker Lin Yi at their junior high school in Beijing. Lin quickly develops feelings for her and even transfers to an arts program to stay close to her. Their relationship evolves as they navigate through junior high, high school, and eventually college at Xiamen University.

As they grow closer, Zhou sets strict rules for their relationship, limiting their time together to just a few minutes each day. Despite these challenges, they share significant moments, including their first hand-holding during an anti-American protest in 1999. However, after graduation, while Zhou pursues her dreams of studying in the United States, Lin’s path diverges as he moves there but faces uncertainties about their future together.

The film culminates with Lin receiving an invitation to Zhou’s wedding years later, prompting him to reflect on their shared past and the love that has endured despite the passage of time and various life events.

“My Old Classmate” captures themes of nostalgia, youthful romance, and the bittersweet nature of growing up. It resonates particularly with China’s “post-’80s” generation by intertwining personal experiences with significant historical events.

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