Late Night with the Devil


Late Night with the Devil is a supernatural horror film set during a live Halloween broadcast of a fictional late-night talk show called Night Owls with Jack Delroy. The story unfolds in 1977, as host Jack Delroy, played by David Dastmalchian, attempts to revive his struggling show by featuring a special occult-themed episode.

Plot Summary
The film opens with a documentary-style prologue that investigates the events of this infamous Halloween night. Following the death of his wife Madeleine, Jack returns to the airwaves and invites various guests, including a psychic named Christou, parapsychologist June Ross-Mitchell, and a young girl named Lilly D’Abo who claims to be possessed by a demon.

As the live show progresses, strange and terrifying occurrences unfold. Christou experiences a premonition related to Jack’s deceased wife and subsequently dies after vomiting black liquid on stage. Lilly’s possession becomes increasingly evident as she levitates and reveals dark secrets about Jack’s past connections to demonic rituals at an elite men’s camp known as “The Grove.”

Tensions rise when Carmichael Haig, a skeptic and former magician, challenges the authenticity of the supernatural events occurring on set. During a hypnotism demonstration gone wrong, chaos ensues as Lilly becomes violently possessed again, leading to horrific deaths among the guests.

In a climactic twist, it is revealed that Jack made a pact with the Devil years prior, sacrificing his wife’s soul for fame. As he confronts his guilt and past actions during this nightmarish broadcast, he ultimately faces dire consequences for his choices.

The film concludes with police sirens approaching as Jack stands over the bodies of his dead guests in an empty studio, leaving viewers questioning the true nature of reality and sacrifice in pursuit of success.

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