

Driveways is a poignant independent film that explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and the complexities of family relationships. The story revolves around a young boy named Cody and his mother, Kathy, who travel to an unnamed suburban town to clean out the house of Kathy’s late sister, April.

Plot Summary
Upon arriving at the house, they discover that April was a hoarder, leaving behind a cluttered home filled with memories and remnants of her life. As they begin the daunting task of sorting through the belongings, Cody forms an unexpected bond with their elderly neighbor, Del, played by Brian Dennehy in one of his final roles. Del is a retired Korean War veteran who also grapples with his own feelings of isolation after losing his wife.

The relationship between Cody and Del develops gradually through small acts of kindness and shared moments. Kathy helps Del by driving him to bingo when his friend forgets to pick him up, while Del provides companionship for Cody during his struggles to fit in with other children. Their interactions highlight the beauty of human connection across different generations.

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that each character is dealing with their own form of loneliness—Kathy with her estranged relationship with her sister and Del with his daughter living far away. The film culminates in a bittersweet farewell as Del prepares to move closer to his daughter, leaving behind the home he cherished.

Ultimately, Driveways is a touching exploration of how friendships can blossom in unexpected places and how people from different walks of life can find solace in one another amidst their personal struggles.

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