

The Crumbs” is a horror film that revolves around the Crumb family, who run an Airbnb in a remote and picturesque location. The family consists of matriarch Irene, her husband Dr. Benjamin, their daughter Victoria, and Leonard, the family’s hulking muscle. While they appear to be decent and hospitable people, they harbor a dark secret: they lure unsuspecting guests to their home, where they exploit them for their bodily fluids and ultimately turn them into food for other guests.

The story unfolds as various guests arrive at the Airbnb, each with their own quirks and personalities. The Crumbs maintain an unsettling charm while engaging in gruesome acts behind the scenes. As the narrative progresses, it becomes clear that the family’s twisted dynamics are both horrifying and oddly endearing. The film explores themes of love and acceptance amidst chaos and violence, culminating in a blend of dark humor and horror that challenges viewers’ perceptions of morality.

Ultimately, “The Crumbs” delivers a unique take on the “crazy cannibal family” genre by presenting its characters with a strange sense of warmth despite their horrific actions.

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