

Carandiru is a Brazilian drama film directed by Héctor Babenco, based on the book Estação Carandiru by Dr. Drauzio Varella. The film is set in São Paulo’s notorious Carandiru Penitentiary, which was known for its overcrowded and violent conditions.

Plot Summary
The story unfolds through the eyes of Dr. Drauzio Varella, who is sent to the prison to conduct HIV tests among the inmates. As he interacts with various prisoners, their individual stories are revealed, showcasing their backgrounds, struggles with addiction, family issues, and relationships within the prison. Notable characters include Lady Di, a trans woman; Deusdete, who seeks revenge for his sister’s rape; and Majestade, who juggles two wives.

The film paints a vivid picture of life inside Carandiru, highlighting both the humanity and flaws of the inmates. It culminates in the tragic 1992 massacre when police stormed the prison during a riot, resulting in the deaths of 111 prisoners. This brutal climax serves as a stark reminder of systemic failures within Brazil’s penal system.

Carandiru explores themes such as innocence versus guilt, morality in crime, and the brutality of law enforcement. It emphasizes how societal neglect leads to violence and suffering within prisons while humanizing those incarcerated by sharing their personal narratives.

At its conclusion, the film features real footage of Carandiru’s demolition in 2002, providing a sense of closure to this dark chapter in Brazilian history.

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