Better Days


Plot Summary
“Better Days” is a Chinese drama film directed by Derek Tsang, based on the novel “In His Youth, In Her Beauty” by Jiu Yuexi. The story revolves around Chen Nian, a high school girl who becomes a target of severe bullying after her classmate Hu Xiaodie commits suicide due to similar harassment. As Chen struggles with the pressures of preparing for her college entrance exams, she encounters Xiao Bei, a teenage street thug. Their lives become intertwined when she seeks his protection from her bullies.

As the bullying escalates, leading to physical violence and humiliation, Chen and Xiao Bei develop a close bond. However, their relationship takes a tragic turn when an altercation results in the accidental death of one of the bullies. Faced with police investigations and mounting pressure, they must navigate their way through the consequences of their actions while trying to protect each other.

The film culminates in a moral reckoning as both characters confront their choices and the harsh realities of their circumstances. Ultimately, it addresses themes of bullying, societal pressures on youth, and the quest for redemption.

“Better Days” is not just a tale of friendship but also a poignant commentary on the issues faced by teenagers in contemporary society.

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