

Exhuma is a film directed by Jang Jae-hyun and features a prominent Korean shaman, Hwa-rim, who is invited to Los Angeles by a Korean American family to deal with a curse on their newborn son. The curse, known as the Grave’s Call, indicates that a distant ancestor is haunting them. Hwa-rim brings her protege, Bong-gil, along with two colleagues from Korea: Kim Sang-deok, a Feng shui expert, and Yong-geun, a mortician.

The family’s patriarch, Park Ji-Yong, wants them to find the grave and relocate it so that the ancestor can rest in peace. Sang-deok initially declines but is coaxed into participating after Hwa-rim promises to perform a ritual during the excavation process. The crew arrives at the grave location in a remote mountain near the North Korean border and begins the excavation process. However, when one of the diggers accidentally severs the head of a snake with a human head, it triggers bad energy and heavy rain.

The coffin is then stored in a nearby hospital for safekeeping until the rain stops and can be cremated. However, when the custodian opens the coffin out of curiosity, he accidentally releases the spirit inside, leading to chaos and death for all of Ji-Yong’s family members. Sang-deok eventually cremates the coffin before the spirit can reach Ji-Yong’s baby in Los Angeles.

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