Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram


Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram, known as “Meitantei Konan Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube” in its original language, unfolds a thrilling mystery involving historical artifacts and a notorious arms dealer. This movie, directed by Chika Nagaoka, has gained significant recognition as the second highest-grossing film of the Detective Conan franchise and the highest-grossing movie directed by a woman in Japan.

Cast of Characters

The main characters in this story include:

  • Conan Edogawa: The renowned young detective with an extraordinary intellect.
  • Heiji Hattori: A brilliant detective from Osaka and a close friend of Conan’s.
  • Kaito Kid: A famous and elusive phantom thief who is also a recurring character in the Detective Conan series.
  • The Merchant of Death: A mysterious Japanese-American arms dealer who is behind the theft of powerful World War II treasures.

Intriguing Situation

A notice from Kaito Kid arrives at the Onoe Zaibatsu repository in Hakodate, Hokkaido, revealing his intentions to steal a Japanese sword related to Toshizo Hijikata, Shinsengumi’s vice commander. Meanwhile, Heiji Hattori and Conan visit Hakodate for a Kendo tournament, coincidentally discovering Kid’s disguise and engaging in a chase. As the plot thickens, a corpse is found with a cross cut on its chest in Hakodate’s warehouse district, leading to an investigation involving the Merchant of Death. Rumors swirl about hidden treasures that could have changed Japan’s losing war situation during World War II – treasures somehow connected to both Kid’s target sword and the Merchant of Death’s schemes.

The movie has received acclaim for its captivating storyline, impressive character development, and stunning animation. It has also been successful at drawing attention to Hakodate as a historically significant location worth visiting. With an array of twists and turns, Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram promises an engaging viewing experience for both fans and newcomers alike.

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