

In the film “Avanti!”, Wendell Armbruster Jr. travels to Italy to retrieve his father’s body after he dies in a car accident on the island of Ischia. There, he meets Pamela Piggott, who is also there to claim her mother’s body from the same accident. They discover that Wendell’s father and Pamela’s mother had been having an affair for ten years while still married to other people. Initially at odds, Wendell and Pamela eventually bond as they navigate the bureaucratic challenges of arranging their parents’ funerals and dealing with various complications, including the disappearance of the bodies and blackmail attempts.

As they spend time together and reenact their parents’ annual rendezvous, Wendell undergoes a transformation from a brash businessman to a more compassionate and understanding person. The film explores themes of love, loss, cultural differences, and personal growth against the backdrop of the picturesque Italian island.

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