Thor: Ragnarok


According to what I know, Thor: Ragnarok takes place two years after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron and four years after Thor: The Dark World. Thor is imprisoned by the fire demon Surtur, who reveals that Odin is no longer on Asgard. Surtur explains that Asgard will be destroyed during the prophesied apocalypse Ragnarök, once he unites his crown with the Eternal Flame. Thor frees himself, defeats Surtur, and takes his crown, believing he has prevented Ragnarök. Thor returns to Asgard to find Heimdall gone and Loki posing as Odin. He forces Loki to help find their father, who Loki put a spell on after his presumed sacrifice years before.

Thor, Loki, and Odin find each other in Norway, where Odin reveals that he is dying and Ragnarök is imminent. He also reveals that his passing will free his firstborn child, Hela, from Hel. Hela, a sibling Thor and Loki did not know existed, was the leader of Asgard’s armies and conquered the Nine Realms with Odin, but he imprisoned her after she became too bloodthirsty.

Odin dies and Hela appears, destroying Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. She pursues Thor and Loki as they attempt to flee through the Bifröst Bridge, knocking them out into space. Arriving in Asgard, Hela defeats its army, slays the Warriors Three, and resurrects the ancient dead who once fought with her, including her giant wolf Fenris. She appoints the Asgardian Skurge as her executioner. Hela plans to use the Bifröst to expand Asgard’s empire, but Heimdall takes the sword that controls the Bifröst.

Meanwhile, Thor crash-lands on Sakaar, a garbage planet surrounded by wormholes. A slave trader designated Scrapper 142 subdues him with an obedience disk and sells him as a gladiator to Sakaar’s ruler, the Grandmaster, with whom Loki has already ingratiated himself. Thor recognizes 142 as a Valkyrie, one of a legendary force of female warriors who were killed fighting Hela eons ago. Thor is forced to compete in the Grandmaster’s Contest of Champions, facing his friend Hulk. Summoning lightning, Thor gets the upper hand, but the Grandmaster sabotages the fight to ensure Hulk’s victory. Still enslaved after the fight, Thor at

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