

A Ghost Bride, in the context of the Ghostbusters franchise, is a supernatural entity that is generated by a Wishgiver ghost from an old well after a man wishes for a wife. This ghost bride is a class 5 entity that has the ability to fly, has above-average strength, can hide in mirrors and other reflective objects, and drains the life force out of its victim. It is a manifestation that has a repetitious behavior of kissing its victim, which is its method of draining life force. The Ghost Bride is bound to its creator, the Wishgiver, and is rare to stray far from its originating source. Once neutralized, the Wishgiver can create another copy of the Ghost Bride, and the only way to stop more Ghost Brides from being duplicated is to defeat the entity which created her, the Wishgiver.

Appearance and Behavior of the Ghost Bride

The Ghost Bride is a female ghost that wears a traditional Chinese wedding gown, complete with a veil covering her face. She is often seen floating in the air, with her gown billowing around her. The Ghost Bride is a dangerous entity that preys on men by kissing them and draining their life force. She is a conduit of sorts, feeding the stolen essence to its creator, the Wishgiver. The Ghost Bride is capable of long-distance travel, going through mirrors and other reflective surfaces to pursue its victim.

How the Ghost Bride was Created

The Ghost Bride was created in the Extreme Ghostbusters episode “Till Death Do We Start” after a man named Leonard Bates quit his career as a tax accountant and bought some property. On this land was a house and an old shed that contained a covered-up well. Upon tossing in a coin and wishing for a wife, the Wishgiver within the well generated a Ghost Bride. It pursued Bates from the house into New York City and made up for long-distance travel by going through mirrors and various reflective surfaces. Bates made it to the Firehouse and was placed under the Ghostbusters’ protection. Eventually, the Ghost Bride arrived and tried to kiss Bates. The act of kissing is its method of draining life force. But for this Ghost Bride, she was a mere conduit of sorts and fed the stolen essence to its creator, the Wishgiver.

Defeating the Ghost Bride

To defeat the Ghost Bride, the Ghostbusters had to destroy the entity which created her, the Wishgiver. They did this by reflecting their gun’s Proton Streams off the mirror shards and trapping the second Ghost Bride. The team then went outside to deal with the Wishgiver. By defeating the Wishgiver, they were able to stop more Ghost Brides from being duplicated.

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