The Black Tulip | The Black Tulip movie online


The Black Tulip
The Black Tulip

The Black Tulip movie

In June 1789, in the town of Roussillon, an aristocrat named Guillaume de Saint Preux leads a double life as a masked bandit known as the Black Tulip. This outlaw only robs wealthy aristocrats, earning him the admiration of local peasants who view him as a hero. However, Baron La Mouche suspects that Guillaume is the Black Tulip and scars his face during a robbery to identify him.

To protect himself, Guillaume enlists his twin brother Julien to impersonate him. Unlike Guillaume, Julien is gentle and idealistic. Initially successful in his role, Julien soon learns that his brother’s motivations for robbing the rich are not political but rather for thrill and wealth.

Julien falls in love with Caroline, a peasant girl and daughter of revolutionary Plantin. As he becomes more involved with her and her cause, he realizes he must take on his brother’s identity fully to fight for justice. When Baron La Mouche captures Julien, the original Black Tulip comes to his rescue but is caught and executed.

In the end, Julien embraces his new role as the Black Tulip, becoming a champion for justice while winning Caroline’s heart.

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