Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World


Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a 2010 romantic action comedy film that follows the story of Scott Pilgrim, a slacker musician who must defeat his girlfriend’s seven evil exes in order to win her heart.


Scott Pilgrim is a 22-year-old bass player for the indie band Sex Bob-Omb. He is dating Knives Chau, a 17-year-old high school student, but his life takes a turn when he meets Ramona Flowers, an American Amazon delivery girl. Scott is immediately smitten with Ramona and begins to pursue her, despite his relationship with Knives.

When Scott and his band play in a battle of the bands, he is attacked by Ramona’s ex-boyfriend, Matthew Patel. Scott defeats Patel and learns that he must defeat Ramona’s remaining six evil exes in order to be with her.

Scott’s journey to defeat Ramona’s exes is filled with over-the-top video game-style fight scenes, each ex having their own unique fighting style and superpowers. He faces off against Lucas Lee, a Hollywood actor and skateboarder; Todd Ingram, a super-powered vegan; Roxy Richter, a lesbian ninja; and the twins Kyle and Ken Katayanagi.

Throughout his journey, Scott also confronts his own ex, pop star Envy Adams, and struggles with his feelings for both Ramona and Knives. He eventually breaks up with Knives, who blames Ramona and vows to win him back.

At the next battle of the bands, Scott and his band defeat Ramona’s fifth and sixth evil exes, the twins, earning Scott an extra life. However, Ramona appears to get back with her seventh evil ex, Gideon Graves, the record executive who sponsored the battle of the bands.

Scott quits his band in protest of Gideon’s record deal and challenges Gideon to a fight for Ramona’s affection. He earns the “Power of Love” sword but is ultimately killed by Gideon. Ramona visits Scott in limbo and reveals that Gideon has implanted a mind control device in her.

Scott uses his 1-up to come back to life and re-enters the Chaos Theater, where he makes peace with his friends and challenges Gideon again, this time for himself, gaining the “Power of Self-Respect” sword. After apologizing to Ramona and Knives for cheating on them, Scott joins forces with Knives and they defeat Gideon.

Now free from Gideon’s control, Ramona prepares to leave. Knives accepts that her relationship with Scott is over and encourages him to leave with Ramona to “try again.”


The film’s style is a unique blend of video game and comic book imagery, with a heavy emphasis on visual effects. The fight scenes are particularly notable, with a blend of digital and physical effects that create a visually stunning and entertaining experience.


The film’s humor is derived from a variety of sources, including the characters’ reactions to the absurd situations they find themselves in, deadpan dialogue, and quirky touches. The film also pokes fun at hipster subculture and the tropes of romantic comedies.

Critical Reception

Despite being a box-office bomb, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World received positive reviews from critics, who praised its visual style, humor, and originality. The film has since gained a cult following and has been widely discussed as a transmedia narrative.

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