Night Swim


The movie “Night Swim” is a supernatural horror film about an evil water spirit that threatens a suburban family. The family, consisting of Ray, Eve, Izzy, and Elliot, moves into a new house with a pool that was previously owned by a family whose young daughter disappeared in the pool thirty years ago. Ray, who is trying to recover from an onset of multiple sclerosis that cut short his professional baseball career, believes the pool will aid his physical therapy. However, strange occurrences start to happen as the monster in the pool begins to make its presence known.

The theme of the movie revolves around the concept of pagan sacrifice and demonic possession. The legend surrounding the spring water pool speaks of a water spirit that demands one sacrifice each year in exchange for its benefits. This theme is contrasted with the Christian definition of sacrifice, which is portrayed in the movie’s attempt to turn the story’s theme of pagan sacrifice into a more positive light. However, this message is not fully successful, and the movie is labeled as excessive and unacceptable rather than abhorrent and evil.

The Wallers Move Into a House with a Dark Past

Ray and Eve Waller are looking for a new place to live near Eve’s new job as an administrator at a school. They visit several houses before seeing a townhouse for sale and then visiting the house where the young girl disappeared fifteen years ago. Although they don’t know about the girl’s disappearance, Ray believes having a pool will aid his physical therapy. Despite their realtor’s warning about previous owners moving out quickly, they decide to take the house.

The Water Spirit Starts Making Its Presence Known

After moving into their new home, strange occurrences start to happen. Ray hurts his hand while trying to set up the pool for his family’s use. The swimming pool expert tells them that it’s actually a spring water pool fed by an aquifer, which was used by people in the past for its therapeutic powers. However, they were required to make sacrifices each year. As the attacks get more dangerous and Ray starts acting weirdly while being miraculously healed, Eve starts investigating the house, pool, and legend surrounding it. She learns about the water spirit legend and how it demands one person as a sacrifice every year.

Themes of Pagan Sacrifice and Demonic Possession

The movie “Night Swim” explores themes of pagan sacrifice and demonic possession through its storyline involving an evil water spirit that demands one person as a sacrifice every year in exchange for its benefits. While attempting to turn this theme into a more positive light using Christian values regarding sacrifice, it ultimately fails to do so successfully. The movie contains intense scary scenes involving demonic possession as well as some foul language

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