Inglourious Basterds


The film tells an alternate history story of two converging plots to assassinate Nazi Germany’s leadership at a Paris cinema. The first plot involves a team of Jewish American soldiers led by First Lieutenant Aldo Raine, who are tasked with taking out the Nazis. The second plot involves a French Jewish cinema proprietor named Shosanna Dreyfus, who seeks to avenge her murdered family.

The Basterds

The Basterds are a team of Jewish American soldiers led by Lieutenant Aldo Raine.

The team includes Sergeant Donny “The Bear Jew” Donowitz, Privates First Class Smithson Utivich and Omar Ulmer, rogue German Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz, and Austrian-born translator Corporal Wilhelm Wicki. Their mission is to take out the Nazis and instill fear among them.

Shosanna’s Revenge

Shosanna Dreyfus seeks to avenge her murdered family by killing the Nazis.

Shosanna operates a cinema under the name Emmanuelle Mimieux and plots with her Afro-French lover and projectionist, Marcel, to kill the German leaders in attendance at the premiere of a German propaganda film. The film, titled “Stolz der Nation” (Nation’s Pride), is a celebration of the German war effort and is set to be attended by Adolf Hitler himself.

The Climax

The Basterds and Shosanna’s plans converge at the cinema premiere.

The Basterds infiltrate the premiere with timed explosives, while Shosanna and Marcel set the cinema ablaze. In the ensuing chaos, the Nazis are killed, including Hitler and Joseph Goebbels. The film ends with Lieutenant Raine carving a swastika into the forehead of Hans Landa, the ruthless SS colonel who had been hunting Jews throughout the film.

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